American Studies ETDs
Publication Date
Summer 7-14-2020
This dissertation explores the deployment of race and gender in comic books and graphic novels, paying close attention to how Black womanhood and girlhood operates in the speculative future. This project suggests that the framing of black womanhood and girlhood in post-apocalyptic/dystopian spaces provide a counter to the normative notions of both while simultaneously using normative tropes of Black womanhood and girlhood to produce new ways of understanding Black femininity in the future. Nubians of Plutonia use Black feminist cultural criticisms, Black popular culture, and visual culture to ask: does graphic literature present new, more dynamic understandings of race and gender, or does it reinforce racialized and gendered ideologies?
Through an interdisciplinary focus, this project unpacks how Black women and girls in these literary texts shift how we come to know Black spaces, the African diaspora, and otherhood. Through the introduction and deployment of subversive iconicity and hood heroinism, this project engages identity markers and other forms of racial formations among all communities of color. This project ultimately finds that Black female content creators provide alternate ways of knowing Blackness and gender through the reworking of normative renderings of Black female bodies.
black girls, black girlhood, comic books, graphic novels, afrofuturism
Document Type
Degree Name
American Studies
Level of Degree
Department Name
American Studies
First Committee Member (Chair)
Antonio T. Tiongson Jr.
Second Committee Member
Rebecca Schreiber
Third Committee Member
Myra Washington
Fourth Committee Member
Shante Paradigm Smalls
Fifth Committee Member
Cynthia Young
Recommended Citation
Fuller, Marthia D.. "Nubians Of Plutonia: Black Women In Modern Post-Apocalyptic And Dystopian Graphic Literature." (2020). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/amst_etds/99
Fifth Committee Member: Cynthia Young