American Studies ETDs
Publication Date
The purpose of the research was to study Uruguay through an examination of social, political and economic themes in Uruguayan narrative literature during the 1960s. The novel Partes de naufragios was selected after the consideration of many alternatives. Jose Pedro Diaz has achieved a synthesis of the messages contained in the narrative fiction of the sixties. Exhibiting consummate skill, the author has constructed a novel whose architecture possesses dynamic esthetic appeal. Publication of Partes de naufragios in December of 1969 coincided with the termination of a decade of crisis in Uruguay. Drawing upon events of the twentieth century, Diaz allegorizes the process of the nation's disintegration.
Document Type
Degree Name
American Studies
Level of Degree
Department Name
American Studies
First Committee Member (Chair)
Tamara Holzapfel
Second Committee Member
Marsha R. Nason
Third Committee Member
Recommended Citation
Peck, Marie Johnston. "At the Green Blade's End: Jose Pedro Diaz Allegorizes Uruguay in Crisis." (1974). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/amst_etds/95