American Studies ETDs
Publication Date
In view of the frequent reliance on Leland's books and articles, I have, on the suggestion of my graduate committee, attempted in this dissertation to evaluate Leland and his writings in order to establish some basis for the accuracy of his statements and the general reliability of Leland as a witness. I have also presented many of his views expressed in books and papers not readily available to or often considered by other students of his times. Though the initial approach to this study of Leland was made objectively or, if subjectively, only sympathetically prejudicial, I must admit that with increased review of his papers more than a suspicion of skepticism has developed as to the accuracy and candor of his writings, particularly his Memoirs.
Document Type
Degree Name
American Studies
Level of Degree
Department Name
American Studies
First Committee Member (Chair)
George Warren Arms
Second Committee Member
Paul A.F. Walter Jr
Third Committee Member
George Winston Smith
Fourth Committee Member
William Miner Dabney
Recommended Citation
Smith, Ralph Carlisle. "Charles Godfrey Leland: The American Years, 1824-1869." (1961). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/amst_etds/77