American Studies ETDs
Publication Date
The thesis to be presented here is that William Allen White came to formulate a social and political philosophy combining three elements: (1) the acceptance of a cyclic recurrence of action and reaction in social and political development, (2) the conviction that social and political advancement rests on the regeneration both of the individual and of society as a whole, and (3) an optimistic idealism based on the social and political application of the Christian ethic.
Document Type
Degree Name
American Studies
Level of Degree
Department Name
American Studies
First Committee Member (Chair)
George Warren Arms
Second Committee Member
Thomas Matthews Pearce
Third Committee Member
Charles Burnet Judah
Recommended Citation
McKee, John DeWitt. "William Allen White: the Respectable Rebel." (1958). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/amst_etds/72