American Studies ETDs
Publication Date
Spring 4-6-2024
Jo Harvey Allen is an artist, writer, and actress whose work is cited as transforming performance art in the 1980s. In this dissertation, I analyze the nature of Jo Harvey’s collaborative process, which spans over five decades, to better understand her positionality in avant-garde and alt-country genres. I argue that Jo Harvey’s collaboration is familial, gendered, and emplaced. My goal with this project is to intervene with literature on musicians and artists from West Texas, specifically Lubbock, through an expansion of the contributions of women. This dissertation is a product of my own collaborative efforts with Jo Harvey, as I conducted my research while performing the role of her studio assistant in Santa Fe.
Jo Harvey Allen, Terry Allen, West Texas, Collaboration, Art
Document Type
Degree Name
American Studies
Level of Degree
Department Name
American Studies
First Committee Member (Chair)
Kathleen Holscher
Second Committee Member
Kristina Jacobsen
Third Committee Member
David Correia
Fourth Committee Member
Aaron Fox
Recommended Citation
Grann, Caitlin C.. "The Lying Woman: Avant-Garde Collaboration in Jo Harvey Allen's Alt-Country." (2024). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/amst_etds/128
Dr. Kathleen Holscher and Dr. Kristina Jacobsen co-chaired this dissertation.