American Studies ETDs
Publication Date
Fall 12-16-2021
What do the signs “identity” and “alterity” point to within the economy of representation and the logic of simulation that govern the present era? How does the visual saturation of a screen-mediated life affect the study of identity? Where does the information overload within which we operate leave the production of knowledge about otherness? My goal in this project is not to resolve these questions, but rather to linger in them. Focusing on various portrayals of categorical identities in film, photography, and digital media, I utilize a semiotic analysis to examine the formulaic, repetitive maneuvers of signification practices that reproduce essentializing notions of racialized, gendered, or classed subjectivities. Threading through the work is the notion that not only is it impossible to know or accurately represent the other, but that for alterity to hold any meaning it must remain out of reach, foreign, inexplicable, and even threatening. Only then, I propose, does the significance of otherness shift from a surface-level difference to a mirror that reflects ethical inquiries in regard to our own existence and our place as a species on a rapidly changing planet.
Document Type
Degree Name
American Studies
Level of Degree
Department Name
American Studies
First Committee Member (Chair)
Michael L. Trujillo
Second Committee Member
Rebecca Schreiber
Third Committee Member
Dominika Laster
Fourth Committee Member
Julie Shigekuni
Recommended Citation
Ell, Sophie. "Subject Disintegration: Identity and Alterity in the Age of the Hyperreal." (2021). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/amst_etds/122