American Studies ETDs
Publication Date
Summer 7-10-1973
Interpretive studies of literature have been attempted by theologians, and theological aspects of literature have been studied by literary scholars. Many such works contain helpful, if limited, sections of references for further study. No significant bibliography has been published, however, which seeks to bring together in one place the necessary resource materials for interdisciplinary studies of theology and literature regarding images of modern man.
The purpose of this dissertation is to provide an introduction to and a working bibliography for an interdisciplinary study of images of modern man. Theology and Literature are the two basic disciplines for which an extensive list of references is provided. But essential resources are also included from the fields of philosophy and intellectual history. The deciding factor for inclusion of a work in the bibliography is its special relevance to theological concerns.
The first part of the project is an introductory statement which seeks to throw some interpretive light upon the problems and concerns shared by literary artists and Christian theologians alike. Included in the introductory statement are an historical overview of the relationship between theology and literature, initial reflections on methodology, a review of the changing nature of theological language, and a survey of some images of man in modern literature.
The second part of the project is an extensive bibliography encompassing (1) bibliographies of value for interdisciplinary study; (2) handbooks, dictionaries, and encyclopedias essential to the disciplines suggested; (3) books and articles in the areas of methodology, literary criticism, language and theological discourse, historical and contemporary theology, and related works on literature and theology; and (4) theses and dissertations of value for the interdisciplinary student of theology and literature.
Document Type
Degree Name
American Studies
Level of Degree
Department Name
American Studies
First Committee Member (Chair)
Joel M. Jones
Second Committee Member
Gwen S. Argersinger
Third Committee Member
Charles DeWayne Biebel
Recommended Citation
Matthews, Frank Arnold. "Theology as Metaphor: An Introduction to and Working Bibliography for an Interdisciplinary Study of Images of Man in Modern Literature.." (1973). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/amst_etds/113