American Studies ETDs
Publication Date
Summer 7-21-2020
This dissertation is an ethnographic study which examined the ritual performances of an interconnected Mexican American and Mexican immigrant danza Azteca and curanderismo ceremonial community located in central and northern New Mexico, and central México. This project also explored if and how these rituals recognize the practitioners’ indigeneity. As a Mexican American and Native scholar and ceremonial participant of this community, I provided an “insider’s” understanding of the epistemologies and ontologies that inform these ceremonies. My positionality and methodology acted as a lens to critically examine danzantes’ and promotoras tradicionales’ claims of indigeneity. Importantly, this work provides a fluid conceptualization of indigeneity that moves beyond stipulations of blood quantum, and ahistorical perceptions of Indigenous identity that do not account for the ways in which peoples of Mexican and Indigenous ancestry have been affected by modernity.
Project Sponsors
Department of American Studies; Center for Southwest Research, Latin American and Iberian Institute; Center for Regional Studies; El Centro de la Raza; Student Career Services; Graduate Student Success Scholarship; Chicana and Chicano Studies
Chicano, Identity, Indigeneity, Ceremony, Ritual Performance
Document Type
Degree Name
American Studies
Level of Degree
Department Name
American Studies
First Committee Member (Chair)
Michael L. Trujillo
Second Committee Member
Kathleen Holscher
Third Committee Member
Manley Begay Jr.
Fourth Committee Member
Patrisia Gonzales
Recommended Citation
Barajas, Dina K.. "Danzantes Aztecas Y Promotoras Tradicionales: The Ritual Performances And Identity Politics Of A Mexican American Danzantes Aztecas Y Promotoras Tradicionales: The Ritual Performances And Identity Politics Of A Mexican American Ceremonial Community." (2020). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/amst_etds/101
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