Document Type

Annual Report

Publication Date



TO THE GOVERNOR OF NEW MEXICO: THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY has the honor to submit to you, through the Board of Regents, his report for the academic year, 1954-l955. This is the first such report to be presented by the University on the basis of a single academic year, last year's report having bridged the transitional period between the end of the 1952 calendar year and the beginning of the 1954-1955 academic year. Previous reports had covered two calendar years. During the year just past the President has enjoyed the support and cooperation of the Faculty and staff, students and alumni, and many loyal friends of the University. Your own friendly interest in our problems, and the encouragement of the State Legislature which resulted in increased appropriations, have materially aided the University's progress. Also the members of the Board of Regents, with generous devotion of their time and energies, have given wise counsel in the consideration of many complex problems of administration. To all of these, on behalf of the University, I would like to express sincere thanks and appreciation.


UNM Annual Reports, 1954-1955


University of New Mexico




University of New Mexico Press
