The Tamarind Papers:  Technical, Critical and Historical Studies on the Art of the Lithograph


4 The Tamarind Citation: George C. Miller & Son
5 Printers' Impressions: A Tamarind Symposium
5 MD Litho Stones
6 Changes I Have Seen: Memories and Observations, by Gustave von Groschwitz
8 The Absent Discourse: Critical Theories and Printmaking, by Ruth Weisberg
11 Being There, by Clinton Adams
15 Editorship of The Tamarind Papers
16 Broken Stones and Whooping Cranes: Thoughts of a Willful Artists, by June Wayne
28 "Originality" circa 1960: A Time for Thinking Caps, by Pat Gilmour
34 Endangered Species, by Richard Hamilton
35 The Rise of the Livre d'Artiste in America: Reflections on 21 Etchings and Poems and the Early 1960s, by Lanier Graham
41 The Brooklyn Museum's National Prints Exhibitions, by Barry Walker
45 Since 1960: Contemporary Prints at the Victoria & Albert Museum, by Riva Castleman
47 Contemporary Prints at the Victoria & Albert Museum, by Susan Lambert
49 Printmaking Courses in British Arts Schools: A Personal View, by Silvie Turner
51 Lithographic Research and the Tamarind Archives, by Garo Antreasian
54 Judith Solodkin and Solo Press, by Ruth E. Fine
58 The Monotype: Printing as Process, by Nathan Oliviera
60 A Living Tradition: Black-and-White Prints in an Age of Color, by Joann Moser
64 Artists' Impressions, by Linda Tyler
66 Big Print, Big Scree: W. Snyder MacNeil, Photography, Video, and the Romantic Tradition of Graphic Variability, by Eugenia Parry Janis
73 Black Printmakers and the WPA: A Symposium, by Ellen Sragow
77 Discovery and Process: Dorziat Reciting by Arthur B. Carles, by Barbara A. Wolanin
82 A Contrast of Styles: Two Lithographs by Willard Nash, by Van Deren Coke
85 Japonisme Revisited: A Pioneering Exhibition Reexamined, by Gabriel P. Weisberg
90 Book Reviews
93 American Print Workshops: Addenda and Errata
94 Photo Credits
95 Contributors
96 Directory of Suppliers
