Spanish and Portuguese ETDs

Publication Date



A study of the feminine characters in twenty-five plays by Luis Vélez de Guevara, taken from three general categories of the Spencer and Shevill listing: sixteen "comedias novelescas," seven "histórico-novelescas," and two "comedias divinas."

Each play studied is provided with a short historical bibliography, a brief summary of the plot and the analysis of its feminine characters.

By means of this character, an attempt is made to determine Vélez's special perception and sensibility with regard to the feminine generally and to the treatment of women in a society that the Spanish theater of the Golden Age to some extent reflects.

The twenty-five works present a great variety of female characters, many of them stereotypes of the popular types so well studied by Professor McKendrick; but there are also a number of others whose recurrence clearly indicates the dramatist's special perception and preoccupation with the feminine and the females.

While Vélez's partiality towards the strong and decisive female has been frequently mentioned, this study shows Vélez's women, repeatedly offered in exacting and extreme situations often in the throes of anguished dilemmas.

By illustrating the various characteristics used by Vélez, the conclusion reveals that the dramatist was indeed interested in the plight of the women in a predominantly masculine society.

Degree Name

Spanish & Portuguese (PhD)

Level of Degree


Department Name

Spanish and Portuguese

First Committee Member (Chair)

Alfredo Rodríguez

Second Committee Member

Pelayo Hipolito Fernandez

Third Committee Member

Sabine R. Ulibarri

Fourth Committee Member

Rupert Trujillo



Document Type

