Neonatal outcomes of moderately preterm infants compared to extremely preterm infants.

Michele C Walsh
Edward F Bell
Sarah Kandefer
Shampa Saha
Waldemar A Carlo
Carl T D'angio
Abbot R Laptook
Pablo J Sanchez
Barbara J Stoll
Seetha Shankaran
Krisa P Van Meurs
Noah Cook
Rosemary D Higgins
Abhik Das
Nancy S Newman
Kurt Schibler
Barbara Schmidt
C Michael Cotten
Brenda B Poindexter
Kristi L Watterberg
William E Truog


BackgroundExtremely preterm infants (EPT, <29>weeks' gestation) represent only 0.9% of births in the United States; yet these infants are the focus of most published research. Moderately preterm neonates (MPT, 29-33